Life Design Certification Course

Help Clients Discover Their Life Purpose, Hidden Talents And Design a Life of Meaning & Significance.
Imagine waking up everyday, knowing your work matters. Most of your clients will meet with you by phone or Zoom. You make your own hours. You can work from home. You can change lives and finally earn your worth by helping others. Dear Friend, Are you curious as to how you can be more fulfilled in your career, relationships, and life in general?If so, consider investing in becoming an Authorized and Certified PRISM Life Design Mental Fitness Trainer. Once trained, you will be able to work with individuals on providing the revolutionary PRISM assessment consultation and PRISM life design programs to individuals and corporations. Some people take the course just because they want to master the material and apply it in your own life. Whether you want to help others or just redesign your own life… join us. The Prism Life Assessment is an in-depth profile of the core components of your life in the areas that matter. It is a snapshot of who you are and how you got here. This has a retail price of $200-$800 per client…but the value can be priceless to the individual.The PRISM Life Design Program is an ongoing coaching or counseling relationship that could earn you more per hour than most psychiatrists or psychologists. And, you can make a difference in a more profound way to the client. Who else wants to earn an extra $1000 – $10,000 per month (part-time)?The PRISM Life Design Program is an ongoing one-on-one coaching relationship that helps the client reprogram the unconscious mind for more success, happiness, and wealth. You will be the guide as your client makes shifts at the conscious and unconscious levels by simply completing the detailed curriculum. You help them develop new habits on a weekly basis using the very exclusive PRISM life design program. Plus,when you join the Certification Program, you are assigned your own “Accountability Coach” and attend small very personal weekly “Prism Coaching Sessions”. It is the best of both worlds… change your life and get a new skill to build an extra revenue stream for you and your family. You will be certified to deliver both life-changing programs: The Life Assessment and The Life Design Program. In a comprehensive and eye-opening session, a trained and qualified PRISM Consultant can explore and elaborate on the strengths and hidden talents that a person might not even be aware they have. As important as someone’s identity and current personality traits are, they are only the starting point for a meaningful exploration of discovering his/her life purpose, career path, and how to have deeper, more fulfilling relationships. The physical prism is an ancient tool that converts white light into all colors of the rainbow by separating the light into it’s individual parts.The P.R.I.S.M. Assessment does the same thing with you so that you can look at each part separately to make adjustments, celebrate your achievements, and build a plan to design a life with intention. ![]() Once you have mastered P.R.I.S.M. Assessment, the next logical step for your clients is to sign up for your 3, 6, or 12 month P.R.I.S.M. Life Design Program. This program will literally change the direction of someone’s life forever…and you get to be their coach and trusted advisor.P stands for Purpose. Most people walk around not having a clear life purpose. Developing a good idea of what makes you happy and fulfilled is essential to mapping out your life design. P. Purpose R. Relationships I. Identity S. Success M. MeaningT his assessment starts with a comprehensive analysis of the personality through scientific handwriting analysis, using Bart Baggett’s unique and exclusive PRISM life management system.Based on your client’s “identity”, you will then work together to map out a plan and strategy to fulfil your clients “life design” in all areas of his/her life. This is so much more than a personality profile or even an in-depth handwriting analysis…this is a life analysis.This is not a written report in which you sit on the side line. This is an authentic conversation about what you value most in life and how to get more of it. And, you can put the summary in a 2 page “summary report” which they can reference before and after they complete the Life Design program with you and watch their progress.If your clients have ever felt disappointed, disillusioned, or frustrated with their own level of personal development or career trajectory…this could be the turning point in their life. One of the key distinctions your clients will walk away with is the ability to focus on areas where they already have a natural talent or gift to succeed. Many people choose relationships or career paths that are not a “natural fit” and struggle.If you have studied handwriting analysis or other “personality typs”, you already know that those tools do not reveal someone’s life purpose or what gives them a deep sense of meaning. If your only have one psychological “tool’ then your client’s results will be limited. We have found the best life coaching need an assortment of tools to give a deeper and more fulfilling “map” of their worlds. You can help them design and create better life in all ares of their life. The tools inside the PRISM system give you that flexibility. In fact, the PRISM Life Design program does not require that you are certified in handwriting analysis, NLP, or even hypnosis. We have extracted the most useful parts of each of those wonderful methodologies that can expedite deep transformational change.Your clients will not feel judged.; they will feel understood, celebrated, and excited about tuning into their own special skills and natural abilities.Once complete, you and your client will have a clear vision of how, together, you both can improve all areas of their life.What’s more, once you know the client’s key fears and inhibitions, you can support them in erasing years of bad habits, fear-based mental programming, and turn that inner voice into your best friend and biggest fan.Everyone has the ability to change and improve. The plan to achieve that should be based on your own unique situation. One size does not fit all.Whether your clients are 26, 46, or 66…there is an opportunity for them to know themselves better and make lasting changes so that their next decade is better than the last.As a certified PRISM consultant, you will have the tools to earn a substantial full-time or part-time living, helping people improve their lives. What’s more, you become part of a worldwide community of PRISM consultants that help you get more clients locally and internationally. This Certification Program will help you become a Certified PRISM Life Design Mental Fitness Trainer and start earning a living using the PRISM Life Design Curriculum with clients of your own. You can earn $200 – $2000 a month, per client, helping them redesign their life with your guidance. What if you just had six clients each month? Naturally, in India prices will be less than in England. Research indicates most successful life coaches earn over $300 per month per client. That is not a full practice, that is a part-time practice. I think these revenue projections are very low, but I want to be conservative with projections of how much money you can make. Then, when you make $10,000 a month, you are jumping with joy, because you exceeded your expectations.If you’ve gotten very good at giving advice and counselling, but wonder how you can actually make a great living and make a profound difference…this program is perfect for you. HERE IS HOW IT WORKS: The PRISM Life Design Methodology is literally a system that you follow to help your clients get predictable, amazing results. PRISM Life Design is actually a structured program that you take your client through. The core of the 18 Life Design modules literally change people’s lives and help them design a future that is compelling and aligned with their deepest values. We help program new habits which change their thinking and change their actions. The PRISM Life Design System works at the conscious and unconscious levels. This is the only program that addresses the conscious habits and the unconscious mind, which normally resists change and sabotages clients’ success. This program addresses both, simultaneously. We call it DUAL CONSCIOUS TRANSFORMATION ![]() The system is designed by, and the core methodology is taught by Bart A Baggett. The system is a combination of all the techniques and mental fitness transformational systems he has taught and used for the past 3 decades. While he might be famous for his handwriting analysis trainings…his personal life and 2 day “seminars” have always included elements of designing your life with deep meaning which was not at all related to the skill of analysing handwriting. The PRISM Life Design System cannot be put into one bucket of “Life Coaching”, “Hypnotherapy”, , “Law of Attraction”, “NLP” or even “Life Purpose”.The PRISM Life Design System is an elegant combination of some of the best techniques for transformation ever learned or taught (and a few new ones I have never taught but used in my own life with amazing results). It works by meeting with the client once a week and developing new unconscious habits in the key areas of life that matter most: Health, Career, Money, Family, and Relationships. Once you have established a PRISM Life Design Assessment, then mapping out a road to transformation becomes easy with the tools you will learn. Every client starts with a “PRISM Assessment and The Foundation Lessons”. After those sessions are complete, you have lots of other tools to continue the relationship and customize the program to fit the needs of the client as you move into months 4-12 of any coaching relationship.This program could take 3-6 months to complete, depending on your dedication and effort. Even if you just got the PRISM coaching with no certification, your life will transform.The Prism Certification Program has new never before content now online. All the HD quality video trainings were recorded in a studio in Los Angeles, CA. This is brand-new, cutting-edge training by Bart Baggett and his team of world class consultants. You won’t find all this information in any other personal development program anywhere in the world. Trust me, I’ve checked. Once you get accepted for enrolment, you gain instant access to the entire 18 module course and work directly with your own personal PRISM Accountability coach. You learn at your own pace and meet at the live Q & A training calls, during the training. You are also assigned to be part of a small group “Prism Pod” whom you work with to practice and perfect the techniques covered in the program. You also get to be part of our PRISM and What’s App private Facebook Groups. This will be a community of friend you will be in touch with for years. You are not taking this journey alone. You will have support. Once you meet your friends at the live events, you will feel like part of a tribe of like minded people on a mission to change the planet for good. ![]() For example, you will master the skills to accomplish the following results:You will learn how to elicit and rank someone’s life values in under 20 minutes.Y ou will discover how to help someone find their life purpose & mission statement based on the vocabulary they choose to use when you ask them specific questions.You will have the ability to help focus their time and energy on what makes them really happy and eliminate all the distractions to getting them back “on purpose”.You will have a specific methodology that helps them structure their daily habits, health and fitness habits, and even family time in a simple chart, which takes less than 60 seconds a day to track and analyse.You will help them analyse the results each week and celebrate the wins and track the progress.You will have 2 page “Personality Dashboard” which quickly identifies your client’s unique strengths and weaknesses.You will help your client and implement their own set of “Magic Questions” which get more of what they want in half the time.You will be able to spot the unconcious repeating “pattern” that has been holding them back for years.You will be ablet to assign them daily grapho-therapy lessons which powerfully restructure their brain at the neuro-pathway level.Inside the PRISM Life Design Modules, you learn to help your clients achieve lasting results.”QUIET” the inner voice of self-doubt and fear. Turn fear into optimism using one simple 30 second daily habit Form “success habits” at the unconscious mind of 3 months that will last a lifetime. Help them track and visually see their own progress both financially and in their personal life.Create a clearly-defined “Life Purpose” statement that aligns perfectly with their highest values. Create detailed 3 month, 12 month, and 5 year plans which move them from where they are to totally “on purpose” in all the areas of life that matter most: relationships, career, money, health, and family. The basis of the PRISM methodology is that you are helping create neurological unconscious habits that align the clients’ unconscious mind with his or her own highest and most fulfilling life values. This process slowly creates empowering daily habits and over time, opens up entirely new worlds that the client simply could not see before. This is why the PRISM system is so different than traditional coaching. You are not teaching motivation, will-power, self-discipline, or accountability. The results will look like the client has more of all of those, but when the actions are coming from “moving toward” a higher purpose, the actions are effortless and fun to achieve. There is no struggle or will-power needed in this transformation. THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU, TOO This program is not just for working coaches, consultants, holistic practitioners, healers, workshop leaders, hypnotherapists, or handwriting analysts…it’s for virtually every person who wants to makes difference, working with people one-on-one, or in small groups. The PRISM Life Design tools have been embraced by audiences from the USA to India over the past 20 years. These tools have worked on everyone from 13 year old boys to 74 year old women. The methodology makes an impact. You get to take the stage and be the force for change. Bart Baggett has been writing and speaking about some of these techniques since 1994. However, this is the first time he has combined them all together in one comprehensive program designed specifically for Life Design.You will be the Certified PRISM Consultant.Whether you are a first-time “coach” or you have been a healer for years, this program is a terrific additional source of revenue and “transformational tools” that have never before been assembled. You will not find these tools in any other certification program. Only a certified Life Design Consultant can offer the PRISM Life Assessment, which is the best calling card you can ever offer to turn a cold prospect into a raving fan. We even have specialized training and classes for marketing and business available once you graduate. The PRISM Life Design system will be used by coaches, experts, and trainers in every “mega-niche”. The niches are the four areas of life that matter most to people when they are willing to invest money in making core changes. Which area below are you most interested in helping people with the transformation they are looking for? ![]() ![]() One of the ways to go from making a living to making a huge difference and a lot more money is to build a successful coaching practice. If you choose to work one-on-one, you can work from anywhere using a laptop, WIFI, and a telephone. Most coaches these days use ZOOM or Skype conferencing technology. Once you fill your calendar with high-paying, one-on-one clients, you will then grow into teaching the same material in small groups with 6-20 people on the same one hour training call. This will become easy once you have 20 Life Design Client work with you one-on-one.Imagine that experience: You working one hour a week with 20 students in a group coaching call an getting paid $2000 for the hour of your time! It’s possible; I’ve done it. In fact, those numbers are small compared to people I know in this business who have considerably more than 20 people on a training call. Most coaches start working with clients one-on-one as their experience grows. DRUM ROLL, PLEASE…And, this might be the best part…you get to work with real clients, get paid, and all while you are learning.As soon as you are ready, you can start working with real PRISM clients around the world as part of your training. Since you will not yet be certified, these people will gladly pay a discounted rate and be willing to work with you before you become officially certified. And, you keep 100% of the revenue. But, more importantly, you have a real clients to work with who are paying real money. You get hands-on experience as you train. Change lives, get paid. As you read this, we are about to start a certification level course to help you become a certified PRISM Life Design consultant. Go here to learn more and schedule a meeting with our team. And yes, we have payment plan options to help you get started right away. This tuition will go up each year as we build our community even stronger and expand our team of Certified Trainers to add even more bells and whistles.Submit your application now and get started on your new career as a Life Design Consultant.If you are interested in building a career and getting certified as a Life Design Consultant, simply press the APPLY NOW button and submit a quick online application. Our team will reach out to you shortly to schedule an actual person-to-person conversation to confirm this is a “good fit” for you.The next live training to become a Certified PRISM Consultant starts soon. Call us for exact dates. The online training course is available to access right now. As soon as your application is accepted, you get the modules unlocked, and you will be assigned a full-time “accountability coach”, so you can hit the ground running. Over the coming year, you are invited to attend “live training sessions” with Bart Baggett, “live in-person events”, and “live coaching sessions” from our team of PRISM trainers (in small hand-picked groups) to help you apply the material to your own life. It is like getting a private coach and certification training in one program. HERE IS WHAT YOU DO NEXT Click on the “Schedule an appointment” button and answer a few questions. On the thank you page, you will a calendar where you will book an appointment for a PRISM consultation directly with one of the certified coaches who is authorized to have this conversation with you. |

The questionnaire is short. It will take you no more than 5 minutes to fill it out, and we can schedule a meeting as soon as today or tomorrow (seriously)…we work fast.
The deadline for applications is quickly approaching and we have a LIMIT on the number of students we can take for this upcoming class. If you miss the deadline or don’t get accepted, you can re-apply for next year.Simply submit your application and schedule a short conversation with me or my team members to mutually decide if this is a good fit for you.
On the application, there will be a link to our personal calendar and you can book an appointment right away, directly to our calendars.
You don’t need to worry about time zones or email confirmations…it is automatic. If this interests you, let’s get started.