Discover to understand others and transform yourself and others through any of Bart Baggett’s many online, tele-classes, or live events that include Marketing Mastermind, Prism Life Design, The Breakthrough, and even live classes in science of handwriting analysis.
Upcoming life events for PRISM Life Design and mental fitness training.

6 Week Live Zoom coaching for life design. Get coached by Bart Baggett and his team. Starts this month.
If you want to become a Mental Fitness Trainer and start earning money changing lives, consider taking the entire PRISM Life Design Certification Program. Over a full year, you will master the tools of LIFE DESIGN, Mental Fitness, NLP, and therapeutic grapho-therapy to help people transform deeply. Learn more and submit and application at:
Upcoming live events and webinars related to handwriting analysis:

Learn to Marketing with Bart Baggett. Ideal for entrepreneurs, coaches, experts, authors, and speakers.

While Bart no longer teaches classes for Handwriting University, his faculty and team members often team 5-10 live classes per week via zoom video. Just learn more by touching base with his faculty members and make sure you are signed up for the weekly newsletter to learn about upcoming LIVE EVENTS in person or on zoom.
Sign up for Handwriting University Newsletter Now.