So, in the beginning of this fun and playful mental conditioning ritual, you will want to use the basic CORE sentence structure as follows:
In English grammar, the common question words are as follows:
WHO is only used when referring to people (I want to know the person).
• Who do I know who can help me with this decision?
• Who among my close friends will join me in this adventure?
• Who has friends who need to hear about this opportunity?
WHERE is used when referring to a place or location (I want to know the place).
• Where can I find more people who need this opportunity?
• Where would provide my family with an amazing vacation?
• Where are the intelligent people in this town?
WHEN is used to refer to a time or an occasion (I want to know the time).
• When can I expect a miracle?
• When is the best time to tell her the good news?
• When will a person show up in my life to love?
WHAT is used to refer to specific information (I want to know the thing).
• What application can I create to change the world?
• What value can I create to serve my customers better?
• What would be the most creative expression of my soul?
WHICH is used to make a choice (I want to know the alternatives).
• Which investment has the most profit with the least risk?
• Which day will the good news come?
• Which house will provide the best home for my family?
HOW is used to describe the manner in which something is done (I want to know the way).
• How many ways can I think of to be romantic?
• How do I always come up with the right decision?
• How can I learn Spanish quickly, and with adventure?
With HOW, there are a number of other expressions that are used in questions:
How much refers to a quantity or a price (uncountable nouns).
• How much fun can I have while recovering from this disease?
• How much money can I make this month?
• How much money can I raise for my new business?
How many refers to a quantity (countable nouns).
• How many days will be filled with fascination and love this month?
• How many people can I attract to my social media tribe?
• How many ways can I think of to reward my employees?
How often refers to frequency.
• How often do you visit your grandmother?
• How can I find business partners this month?
• How often can I find reasons to be happy today?
How far refers to distance.
• How far can I get in this new career?
• How far can I run in this next exercise?
Learn More
Discover the 1 minute technique of asking the correct magic question one minute a day to direct your unconscious mind into solving unsolvable problems, attract more abundance, and overcome negative thinking using this simple daily technique.
You can even print these on small index card and tape them to your mirror so your mind is asking empowering questions when you brush your teeth instead of focusing on problems or news. It’s the most magical system for programming optimism and attracting abundance every created.
The Magic Question How to Get What You Want in Half the Time
Best Selling Book by Bart A Baggett
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